
Said I needed more hours. Now I work 6 days a week.

Before I was getting barely over 20 hours , which obviously isn’t sustainable, especially when I’m only making $15/hr. I told my manager that I needed more hours because I was barely scraping by. What I meant by “a few more hours,” was maybe one or two hours added to my work days seeing as I usually work 5/6 hour shifts. I had even expressed being totally fine with working doubles on Friday/Saturday (which I did for a couple weeks and that got me closer to 30 hours). Instead, I’ve been scheduled Tuesday-Sunday for the past few weeks. I have a really hard time getting things done during work days so I usually utilize at least one of my 2 off days for running errands and getting things done around the house. Now I feel like I have to choose between either getting things done or relaxing, though I’m honestly…

Before I was getting barely over 20 hours , which obviously isn’t sustainable, especially when I’m only making $15/hr. I told my manager that I needed more hours because I was barely scraping by. What I meant by “a few more hours,” was maybe one or two hours added to my work days seeing as I usually work 5/6 hour shifts. I had even expressed being totally fine with working doubles on Friday/Saturday (which I did for a couple weeks and that got me closer to 30 hours). Instead, I’ve been scheduled Tuesday-Sunday for the past few weeks. I have a really hard time getting things done during work days so I usually utilize at least one of my 2 off days for running errands and getting things done around the house. Now I feel like I have to choose between either getting things done or relaxing, though I’m honestly too physically/mentally drained to do either anymore.

Im going to quit for sure, as I’ve been thinking about it for a while now. Between this and the disrespect from my coworkers I’m over this place. At this point I’m just trying to get a new job lined up/ get over my anxiety enough to put my notice in.

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