
Salaried Promotion, 30% Raise, not worth it!

Been at company for 4 years, 1 year ago I relocated 150 miles and got a promotion/30% raise. Have not been happy with job, way too long of hours and job anxiety is horrible. Sometimes working 14-16 hours a day (salaried) + taking overnight phones calls its so dreadful being woken up 6 times at night. Company won't pay for a 3rd employee, its just two of us. One time my co worker got sick for 2 weeks I was on call 24/7 for 15 days straight that was the worst two weeks of my life. Our vacation is not even vacation because we have to cover each other so basically if I take a week off they have to work double… Asked them to move me back to my original area, boss thanked me for being honest about wanting to move back and said no problem we can figure…

Been at company for 4 years, 1 year ago I relocated 150 miles and got a promotion/30% raise. Have not been happy with job, way too long of hours and job anxiety is horrible. Sometimes working 14-16 hours a day (salaried) + taking overnight phones calls its so dreadful being woken up 6 times at night.

Company won't pay for a 3rd employee, its just two of us. One time my co worker got sick for 2 weeks I was on call 24/7 for 15 days straight that was the worst two weeks of my life.

Our vacation is not even vacation because we have to cover each other so basically if I take a week off they have to work double…

Asked them to move me back to my original area, boss thanked me for being honest about wanting to move back and said no problem we can figure it out and I can keep my pay rate.

Now bosses communication has been awful, emailed him seeking details 2 weeks ago nothing back yet about what the plan is. They had my potential replacement stop by the office for an interview today, boss gave me zero communication about anything, said he was going to stick around after to talk about stuff, but then bailed said we would talk later…

Getting cold feet like he is just going to let me go. Should have stayed hourly with less pay, was way happier with life!! The anxiety this whole job has given me has been awful.

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