
Salary discussion at work

So I’ve been in a new job for a month now and it’s been great. My last place of employment had a lot of toxicity and I wasn’t getting paid nearly enough for what all I was doing, so this new job has been a blessing and I’m getting paid fairly and being given the recognition I feel I deserve. Today though my coworker was talking about how hard it has been to make ends meet, so of course pay came up and we found I make a good bit more than they do. They got upset and moody (from what I’ve seen they’re kinda childish and maybe that’s part of an underlying reason as to why there’s a gap in pay?) and I’m kinda anxious they’re going to go and talk to our boss about it. I know it’s not illegal or anything to talk about salary, but I’ve…

So I’ve been in a new job for a month now and it’s been great. My last place of employment had a lot of toxicity and I wasn’t getting paid nearly enough for what all I was doing, so this new job has been a blessing and I’m getting paid fairly and being given the recognition I feel I deserve.

Today though my coworker was talking about how hard it has been to make ends meet, so of course pay came up and we found I make a good bit more than they do. They got upset and moody (from what I’ve seen they’re kinda childish and maybe that’s part of an underlying reason as to why there’s a gap in pay?) and I’m kinda anxious they’re going to go and talk to our boss about it. I know it’s not illegal or anything to talk about salary, but I’ve only been here a month and have had no stressors and I feel if they tell our boss I told them how much I make I will still end up seeing some kind of repercussion, and I really, really don’t want that.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? If so, how did you handle it when/if your boss asked you about it?

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