
Salary transparency on the radio

On a Montreal radio show (in French, unfortunately for those who don't understand it), there was an interesting debate about salary transparency. A psychologist and teacher argued that it was necessary to have such transparency, not only in numbers but also in knowing who has which salary and why (experience, formation, etc.), for two purposes. ​ First, to reduce negative speculation about coworkers. How much do they make? How do I compare? These questions could foster feelings of jealousy and unfairness. These feelings would lower performance and efficiency in the workplace, but more importantly general happiness. According to the World Happiness report, injustice and corruption (including lack of salary transparency) decrease general happiness. ​ Second, to force compagnies to be fairer. With objective criterion, compagnies will be held liable, by the people, for their unfairness towards salary. If they have a good reason for their salary disparities, why hide them?…

On a Montreal radio show (in French, unfortunately for those who don't understand it), there was an interesting debate about salary transparency. A psychologist and teacher argued that it was necessary to have such transparency, not only in numbers but also in knowing who has which salary and why (experience, formation, etc.), for two purposes.

First, to reduce negative speculation about coworkers. How much do they make? How do I compare? These questions could foster feelings of jealousy and unfairness. These feelings would lower performance and efficiency in the workplace, but more importantly general happiness. According to the World Happiness report, injustice and corruption (including lack of salary transparency) decrease general happiness.

Second, to force compagnies to be fairer. With objective criterion, compagnies will be held liable, by the people, for their unfairness towards salary. If they have a good reason for their salary disparities, why hide them?

He also gave positive examples, such as the American company Buffer, which clearly indicates a narrow range for the job application. He also mentions Glassdoor, a site where people can critique and unveil their salaries.

Thought it was interisting to hear about this subject in « ordinary » media.

Link to the radio interview:

An article (in French) about this issue:

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