
Sales Managers taking away days off if you aren’t tracking a certain number of sales by mid month.

So the title pretty much says what the problem is. I’ll just give some context so I can get some good opinions and advice. This is a throwaway account as I’m not sure if anyone else at my workplace uses Reddit. I’ll give as much info as I can without revealing where I work because again, I don’t know if anyone at work uses Reddit. So I work at a car dealership in the US in the state of North Carolina, I give this much info because I don’t know the labor laws in North Carolina and that may come into play. Anyways, my sales managers have implemented a rule that if you aren’t on track to sell a certain number of cars for the month by the middle of the month then you forfeit your days off for the rest of the month. First off, that is not what…

So the title pretty much says what the problem is. I’ll just give some context so I can get some good opinions and advice. This is a throwaway account as I’m not sure if anyone else at my workplace uses Reddit. I’ll give as much info as I can without revealing where I work because again, I don’t know if anyone at work uses Reddit.

So I work at a car dealership in the US in the state of North Carolina, I give this much info because I don’t know the labor laws in North Carolina and that may come into play. Anyways, my sales managers have implemented a rule that if you aren’t on track to sell a certain number of cars for the month by the middle of the month then you forfeit your days off for the rest of the month. First off, that is not what I agreed to when I took this job. I can understand the dealership needs to sell a certain number of cars per month to be profitable for the owner, but people need time off too to recover from all the hours we work. Anyone that works in car sales knows we work a lot of hours. They like to use the excuse that “back when I started we didn’t get days off”. Well that may be true but that doesn’t mean it has to continue to be that way. I previously worked in a job where I regularly worked 12 hours a day and quite often that was pushed to 14 and 16 hours and that was 6 or 7 days a week for weeks and months at a time. I am not some spring chicken to the workforce, I’ve put in my time working long days without days off.

Maybe this is just how the car sales business is and I’m just bitching. So by all means if you are or were a car sales consultant put your two cents in, and if you’re a sales manager looking for someone that sells a good number of cars every month consistently shoot me a message. I’m not saying I want to quit because I like the people I work with and generally like the sales managers, I just don’t agree with this policy.

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