
Saying Goodbye

After working at Disney for over 5 years I'm finally about to say goodbye. The way we have been treated since we came back to work with covid procedures has been the most toxic work environment I've ever been in. Managers yelled and screamed at cast in front of guest. Shitty guest treated us horribly for simply doing our fucking jobs. Mind you during a pandemic. I don't care if you wear a tin foil hat and believe in covid or not but being paid under 15.00 an hour while wearing PPE at a theme park is a joke and to treat people this way is no excuse if you want to wear your face sock or not. I've had enough. Wanted some tips on burning this bridge as much as possible. I'm writing a personal letter to all the managers and the proprietor about the horrible conditions and treatment…

After working at Disney for over 5 years I'm finally about to say goodbye. The way we have been treated since we came back to work with covid procedures has been the most toxic work environment I've ever been in.

Managers yelled and screamed at cast in front of guest. Shitty guest treated us horribly for simply doing our fucking jobs. Mind you during a pandemic. I don't care if you wear a tin foil hat and believe in covid or not but being paid under 15.00 an hour while wearing PPE at a theme park is a joke and to treat people this way is no excuse if you want to wear your face sock or not.

I've had enough. Wanted some tips on burning this bridge as much as possible. I'm writing a personal letter to all the managers and the proprietor about the horrible conditions and treatment of workers. Someone has to stay it. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything.

I never want to work for Disney again so give me your best.

Also this management team did nothing but gaslight people for months on their work performance under such stress. I had cast members come back from their meetings in tears at times. Had cast getting therapy just to mentally get by.

Disney has a horrible cult mentality. Many of these workers think they're here to make their dreams come true. Meanwhile they get paid shit and are treated as such.

Fuck Disney and fuck the theme park industry.

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