
Scared to report my assistant store manager

I (21F) want to report my assistant manager (50sF) to my store manager (30sF), but I am terrified of retaliation. I enjoy my job for the most part otherwise; it’s taken me so long to find a job that pays decent and has good hours in my town. I have been working at a store in my town for the past 2 months, and everything is going well so far except for my interactions with my assistant store manager, Daisy. Generally she is very snarky towards everyone and is very standoffish, but every once in a while she’ll have a day in which she just.. seems to constantly patronize me. Today I was just scheduled for a short 4 hour shift and I had 3 separate instances of Daisy being extremely rude to me. It started today when a customer at my register was trying to look for a certain…

I (21F) want to report my assistant manager (50sF) to my store manager (30sF), but I am terrified of retaliation. I enjoy my job for the most part otherwise; it’s taken me so long to find a job that pays decent and has good hours in my town.

I have been working at a store in my town for the past 2 months, and everything is going well so far except for my interactions with my assistant store manager, Daisy. Generally she is very snarky towards everyone and is very standoffish, but every once in a while she’ll have a day in which she just.. seems to constantly patronize me. Today I was just scheduled for a short 4 hour shift and I had 3 separate instances of Daisy being extremely rude to me.

It started today when a customer at my register was trying to look for a certain product. I went over to our computers at the customer service bar to look up the product, but for some reason the product wasn’t showing its location when searched. Daisy was also at the bar, so I asked her if she knew about the product. She just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders and said she didn’t know. I then asked her “oh so you don’t know?” and then she asked if there was a customer waiting on the product. When I answered yes, she started searching up the product in her store phone device (cashiers do not have access to these), not before saying that she “cannot fucking handle this bullshit”

Next, I was scanning some products for a customer in my line but one of her products were not scanning, as in my register was reading me a message saying that the item was not on file. I walked over to our computers again and tried to look up the item, but the item was not found anywhere in our system even after refreshing the page. I asked my coworkers over our walkie talkies if they knew of any solution as I was the only cashier at the time and my line was growing, and Daisy rushed over to me and asked “what do you need this time?” I explained what happened once more, and tried retyping the product name in the computer again. For simplicity sake, the product name I was typing in was called “Gumrings” but as I was typing it in my finger slipped and I typed “Gumringss”, adding an extra S on accident. This genuinely was all in the span of a second but Daisy immediately went “you do know that it’s spelled Gumrings right? like can’t you clearly see that there is only one S?” and I’m just thinking like… no shit dude that was an obvious typo, I deleted it immediately, and even after deleting the extra letter nothing still came up like I was previously stating! Daisy then took it into her own hands and go figure, could not find the product either lmfao. She eventually decided to just key in a random price.

Later, an employee named Gavin at my store came in on his day off to buy some stuff. At my store there is a rule in which if you’re on the clock, you can only be rung up by a manager. I wasn’t too sure what the policy was on if you’re wanting to purchase items on your day off, and Gavin has been working there for about a year so I assumed he would of told me if I had to get a manager to do the entire sale. I rang him up and told him I’d call for a manager to add his discount. Daisy told me over the walkie talkies to send the employee over to another register so she could do the purchase herself. As I suspended his transaction, Daisy showed up and yelled “wait, did you already ring him up!” To which I said yes, and she said “yeah no.. you should not have even done that at all and it is not allowed, you could get in a lot of trouble for that, that is not allowed” and just said it in a really rude tone. At this point I was fed up and snapped back “oh really? I was never told any of that during my training with you, I’m so glad I know that now!” in a sarcastic tone. I admit that was petty, but I was so fed up with her behavior at that point. It was so odd to me too because she didn’t even seem to get mad at Gavin at all for not knowing the policy either, despite him being there much longer than I have. I’m not saying that I wanted Daisy to get mad at Gavin at all, but I just thought it was nitpicky how she was pissed off at me for that but mentioned nothing to him and was even cheery with him during his sale.

I cried after my shift today because I felt so singled out my Daisy. Every single instance of her rudeness happened in front of customers, and even after the last instance a customer asked me if I was alright and I lied and said I was fine despite tearing up. Daisy constantly undermines me, for example if I ask for help searching a product that’s not scanning, she will almost always let out a huge sigh and say something like “what do you need now?” despite the fact that half the time, the product is not showing up for a reason that only managers can fix! We also have products behind the case that only managers can receive for customers, and any time I’ve asked Daisy if she could get a product she never responds to me if she’s receiving it or not. After minutes pass and my line is growing, I will ask her again and she’ll say something like “yeah god I heard you the first time, just be a LITTLE patient” when it’s like.. if you had just responded copy that like you’re supposed to there wouldn’t be this miscommunication???

I’m so fed up with Daisy’s behavior and I’m thinking about telling my store manager about it, but I’m scared because the store manager, Daisy, and the other managers all seem to be friends so I’m terrified of retaliation against them. But I’m so fed up with Daisy’s bullying of others! I’ve talked to a couple of coworkers about it and they’ve too told me stories of Daisy being ugly and I’m so tired of just being told that Daisy is just “like that”. How should I approach this?

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