
schedule issues

hi all I need advice on something, so at my job we get our schedules for one week only, the problem is the work week starts on sunday and they routinely onnly send out the schedule the friday prior (so say sunday is the 15, we wouldn't get our schedule until the 13 at earliest) this makes it impossible to schedule anything, is theere anything I as an employee can do? because as of today saturday we still do not have our schedules supposed to start tomorrow.

hi all I need advice on something, so at my job we get our schedules for one week only, the problem is the work week starts on sunday and they routinely onnly send out the schedule the friday prior (so say sunday is the 15, we wouldn't get our schedule until the 13 at earliest) this makes it impossible to schedule anything, is theere anything I as an employee can do? because as of today saturday we still do not have our schedules supposed to start tomorrow.

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