
Scolded For Working From Home Due to Stomach Virus

I’ve been working from home for 2 years due to Covid and a few months ago they sent us back to the office on a hybrid schedule. We all work two set days a week. However, management claims it’s “flexible” and if we need to switch a day for whatever reason like the ac guy is coming and you need to let him in or something we can let them know of the switch at least the day before. Well last night a had a stomach ache all night and figured I would go to the bathroom in the morning and be fine. I ended up throwing up in the middle of the night, slept like crap and texted my boss a few hours before my shift to let him know I would need to work from home. I don’t have any sick time because I had Covid and had…

I’ve been working from home for 2 years due to Covid and a few months ago they sent us back to the office on a hybrid schedule. We all work two set days a week. However, management claims it’s “flexible” and if we need to switch a day for whatever reason like the ac guy is coming and you need to let him in or something we can let them know of the switch at least the day before.

Well last night a had a stomach ache all night and figured I would go to the bathroom in the morning and be fine. I ended up throwing up in the middle of the night, slept like crap and texted my boss a few hours before my shift to let him know I would need to work from home. I don’t have any sick time because I had Covid and had to take my young baby to the hospital recently, but I didn’t want to get written up so I figured I would try to work from home. I kept having to leave my computer to go throw up and clean up after. My boss messaged me and said I could work from home today but would have to come in another day this week and that we have to have a discussion about my instances of changing the days I’m in office and out of office.

Despite throwing up all day I still managed to train the new person and get all my work done. I would have gotten the same amount of work done in the office on a normal day as I did today while sick. But if I had gone into the office I would have gotten sick driving and probably at my desk too. It’s also not something I could plan in advance since I wasn’t throwing up an entire day before my shift. Yesterday when I went into the office I was literally the only person on my team there. The other people on my team who were supposed to be there weren’t for some reason. Even when we are together in the office we still only communicate via Microsoft Teams and have meetings over Zoom so I don’t see the point. And I’m still getting dragged into the office tomorrow to complete my two days anyway so I don’t really know why it matters so much that I switched my days this week due to throwing up.

As I write this I have a fever, body aches and chills. I’m not throwing up anymore but I feel like crap and now I’m getting dragged into the office in the building where I’m going to freeze. So much for flexibility.

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