
Scottish Carehome

My partner (21)F works at a care home for disabled adults. The company is very badly run, there is a lot of negligence that she needs to deal with regularly and goes above and beyond to do her job well and take proper care of the residents. Now she is of quite small stature and a lot of these residents are 6 foot tall males aged between 30-70 with varying mental problems. There are around 10 residents in her unit. She does nightshift often and she is the only staff member there through the night. I know she’s not supposed to give details about residents but she told me there is a new one that recently moved in. He’s a big built man in his 50s with learning difficulties, alcohol problems and is currently on the sex offenders register for sexually assaulting a female carer at his last home. Now…

My partner (21)F works at a care home for disabled adults. The company is very badly run, there is a lot of negligence that she needs to deal with regularly and goes above and beyond to do her job well and take proper care of the residents.

Now she is of quite small stature and a lot of these residents are 6 foot tall males aged between 30-70 with varying mental problems. There are around 10 residents in her unit.

She does nightshift often and she is the only staff member there through the night.

I know she’s not supposed to give details about residents but she told me there is a new one that recently moved in. He’s a big built man in his 50s with learning difficulties, alcohol problems and is currently on the sex offenders register for sexually assaulting a female carer at his last home.

Now she is being asked to look after this man a long with 9 others all by her self. There is no security staff, no nurse on duty and no other staff members in the building at all.

Ive had a look online and from what I can gather there are supposed to be 4 carers and 1 nurse on duty for a nightshift of dementia patients… now they are usually old and feeble and probably don’t pose as much of a risk as these younger adults.

Does anyone know if they are breaking any laws by making her do this on her own?

Im really not comfortable with it but she doesn’t want me to say anything incase she loses her job.

What can I do?

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