
screw work

Not a big deal I just wanted to rant into a void… So for context I'm female and work in a corporate store. Yesterday a customer was leaving the shop and proceeded to grab my ass and then run his hand up my back. I was shocked to say the least and when my manager asked what had happened (manager also female) she laughed and nothing was done about it. Although when I came in today apparently I have the power to ban this man from the store and I wasn't made aware of this I just had to continue my shift and my manager made the odd joke about it. I just can't with shit anymore like what kind of person thought that was okay in the first place and what kind of manager would laugh instead of at least attempting to support her staff in any form. Thanks…

Not a big deal I just wanted to rant into a void…

So for context I'm female and work in a corporate store. Yesterday a customer was leaving the shop and proceeded to grab my ass and then run his hand up my back. I was shocked to say the least and when my manager asked what had happened (manager also female) she laughed and nothing was done about it. Although when I came in today apparently I have the power to ban this man from the store and I wasn't made aware of this I just had to continue my shift and my manager made the odd joke about it. I just can't with shit anymore like what kind of person thought that was okay in the first place and what kind of manager would laugh instead of at least attempting to support her staff in any form.

Thanks for reading my rant if you did. Sometimes a rant into a void is needed.

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