
Screwed on Bonus Payout – Stick it out or start the hunt?

I received my employee evaluation today which dictates how much my bonus payout is in February and it's giving me doubts about the company. I'm unsure if I should stay or go and I'm looking for random strangers guidance. Background: I've worked for this company I love for 4 years in the accounting department. The company has a bonus ranking system that can change your bonus payout increasing it anywhere from 100% to 200% depending how your year went. This year I was given a heads up by my slightly difficult supervisor (micro-manager) in November I was to be ranked at High again (150% payout). This lines up with the companies scorecard perfectly based on what I've done. I cleaned up the accounts to current, organized a messy team and took over when our manager left as a senior, contributed drastically to company culture more than anyone. Automated heavily and…

I received my employee evaluation today which dictates how much my bonus payout is in February and it's giving me doubts about the company. I'm unsure if I should stay or go and I'm looking for random strangers guidance.


I've worked for this company I love for 4 years in the accounting department. The company has a bonus ranking system that can change your bonus payout increasing it anywhere from 100% to 200% depending how your year went.

This year I was given a heads up by my slightly difficult supervisor (micro-manager) in November I was to be ranked at High again (150% payout). This lines up with the companies scorecard perfectly based on what I've done. I cleaned up the accounts to current, organized a messy team and took over when our manager left as a senior, contributed drastically to company culture more than anyone. Automated heavily and been a support system to the 4 employees I oversee when our supervisor was happy to throw us under the bus and micro-manage any chance she could. I targeted my year this way to get this outcome. 100% planned and expected.

I had my review today with my supervisor and received a glowing review hitting all the notes above. Even the paperwork matches the above statements say I killed it last year. BUT – my ranking was adjusted down to 100% payout or “Met Expectations”. This has shocked me to the core. Her reasoning was I was promoted in September so my review was based on September to November periods as a manager and not much progress has been made. We had staff changes, an audit, and year-end prep so not much time for anything new and improved. My period as a senior was barely mentioned. I feel robbed. I tried expressing this as it was a shock but could barely speak besides saying I'm disappointed in the outcome.

I'm heavily involved in training, building company culture through organizing events, baking for fun to bring people together and generally being helpful and supportive and overall building relationships. I meet deadlines and going above and beyond is an understatement compared to a lot of my co-workers. WTF! For 2023, why should I put so much effort into building company culture if it gets me nowhere except sacrificing my time, effort, and money.

I'm on the fence if I should wait to get my basic payout in February and job hunt or adjust my standards and just target deadlines and deliverables. My job is very niche so I think if I leave I'd probably loose 20-40k in salary. I'm paid salary 100k and my bonus varies around $15-30k based on the rankings mentioned above. I like my job and I like the company values but I'm struggling with this while working for someone difficult.

What do ya'll think? Stay or go?


EDIT: if I am going to switch jobs, what reason would I even give to job prospects? Quit because screwed out of bonus? Sounds petty.

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