
Security Industry needs an overhaul

Alright, so I’m a security guard in an unarmed position. I can understand lower pay for this position. However, I recently got my certifications to be an armed guard. Initially, I pursued the certifications because I was removed from a post because they were switching to armed guards. Now that I’m able to work those positions, my supervisor tells me there aren’t any armed positions that would pay higher than I’m making right now. But like… what the fuck? The class to become an armed guard isn’t cheap. The gun that some positions require you to have isn’t cheap. I don’t understand how the pay can be so little. Yet, if something popped off, I’d be the one defending myself, people around me, and the client’s property. That, apparently, is only worth 15/hour. I understand it’s a lot of standing around. We’re not creating any revenue, but we’re kicking out…

Alright, so I’m a security guard in an unarmed position. I can understand lower pay for this position. However, I recently got my certifications to be an armed guard. Initially, I pursued the certifications because I was removed from a post because they were switching to armed guards. Now that I’m able to work those positions, my supervisor tells me there aren’t any armed positions that would pay higher than I’m making right now. But like… what the fuck?

The class to become an armed guard isn’t cheap. The gun that some positions require you to have isn’t cheap. I don’t understand how the pay can be so little. Yet, if something popped off, I’d be the one defending myself, people around me, and the client’s property. That, apparently, is only worth 15/hour. I understand it’s a lot of standing around. We’re not creating any revenue, but we’re kicking out people causing a fuss, enforcing company policies, and basically are the first face people see when they walk in.

I’m applying to other companies, and it’s really hard to find a company with reasonable hours, decent pay, and benefits. For a position you need a clean record, certifications, and money to buy your own uniform (sometimes), they sure as hell treat it like all of that means nothing.

My long term goal is to get the 3 years of Security experience that I need to be a cop. But I’m really irked that the certifications you pay money for and take classes for mean little to nothing

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