
Seeing so many people calling the younger generation lazy for not being able to afford to live on their own feels so out of touch

I 21f have been hearing this a lot. Almost all of my friends still live at home and so do most of their friends. I have met people in their late twenties with a degree who still can't afford to move out. I see it constantly online about how people who live at home need to learn to be more independent and in real life. My generation is lazy and entitled. Coddled by our parents. I work 40-55 hours a week and with that income, I can't even afford a studio in my area. One-bedroom apartments are averaging rent more than I ever make in a month. Almost no one I know qualifies for assistance because they are a student or because they make too much. Unless you start popping out babies you can't afford you should not even dream about asking for help. The only other solution is to…

I 21f have been hearing this a lot. Almost all of my friends still live at home and so do most of their friends. I have met people in their late twenties with a degree who still can't afford to move out. I see it constantly online about how people who live at home need to learn to be more independent and in real life. My generation is lazy and entitled. Coddled by our parents. I work 40-55 hours a week and with that income, I can't even afford a studio in my area. One-bedroom apartments are averaging rent more than I ever make in a month. Almost no one I know qualifies for assistance because they are a student or because they make too much. Unless you start popping out babies you can't afford you should not even dream about asking for help. The only other solution is to cram yourself in a closet with a bunch of other people for half your paycheck.

I saw a post the other day of people from the same generation that constantly insults mine talking about what they paid for their first apartments. It made me so enraged. They talked about paying as little as $400 for two bedrooms and $200 for one. What my generation is expected to pay is 10x that on a good day yet they insult us and say we have it too easy.

I am so sick of being told I am in the position I am in because I don't work hard enough. No one spending 6 days a week working their job should be in this position.

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