I'm currently a one woman's show for a life coaching/tarot card business. I have a professional background in working in human services as a case worker for people with mental illness. So I pretty much just help others address their barriers and provide them with tools to reach their goals, all while emotionally comforting them.
I have the view that my business is really just a “legal entity that embodies my passion for helping people” and my “employees” will be people I pay to assist me in expanding my passion. To avoid turning into a crazy money hoarder, I want to share the profits with my future team straight from the start. I would like to divide the profits into 3 equal shares of 1.”savings for emergencies”, 2. “bonus or perks for team members” 3. “reinvest into improving/ expanding the company”. For category 2, I would say “so team member, there is x amount divided by x amount of team members, how would you like to receive your share?”
I would also want my job to be a “supportive place” where people can feel comfortable being themselves as much as they want, as long as they treat everyone with respect and kindness. I would love to instill a “self soothing” space where there are board games, coloring, herbal medicine, caffeine, yoga mats, meditation, essential oils, neck massagers, weighted blankets, and acupuncture matts for whenever people feel stressed or overwhelmed. I will also have my library of self help books with swing chairs and bean bags available.
I'll definitely pay attention if it seems like someone is abusing it, but for the most part, fill your cup up so you can go back to your tasks stress free. I'll be using the space before, during, and after work, so I won't mind if I always have company while I relax or take a break. I also won't care if someone uses the spaces for hours at a time if they rarely use it. Take care of you, fit work around your needs, not the other way around.
It would be my goal for my team members/employees to feel the job really helps fill their cup back up or at least doesn't drain it too much. I feel for the health of my company, the financials will be the “rules” and “guide” on what and when things need to get done. I will just communicate those financials to everyone so they can manage their time, energy budgets, and health accordingly. Start time would be flexible plus or minus 15 minutes no questions asked. Anything else, just don't lie, I understand losing track of time or a random routine disruptor.
I really find the corporate world gross, inhumane, and toxic. I do not like red tape or managers too much. I would trust my teammates to make decisions, learn from their mistakes, and just update me on new things they are trying so we can look for any spikes on the financials side of things. For me my passion will never fail or die out, so making the company “wildly successfully” seems kind of silly. I will never put expanding the company over the health and wellness of my clients or employees.
Within 10 years, I would love to offer my employees all standard benefits with amble PTO, quarterly bonuses, pay for whatever self-improve courses they want to take, and pay for commutes and provide free lunches. I would never want any managers or hierarchy.
Is this too weird or strange? I really would like a reality check and your perspective on how to share all this with future employees? I am also asking for any detailed advice on how my views and goals for my relationships with my employees/team members might clash with reality.
Thanks for reading and I love this sub 🙂
For the interview: The wage will be on the applications, I will ask for the resume and cover letter once, read it before, have a list of questions, and discuss what their goals and dreams are, to see if I would be able to help them. The lowest rated position would be at least $20 an hour. Everyone would get yearly raises and they can have title promotion whenever they want for future employers. I would offer the highest rate for the roles in the area.