
self-assessment to be filled out as company demands?

So, recently we came up for quarterly self-assessment at work, and they sent us an excel doc with the exactthings to set as our goals, all of them with 100% as the goal achievement. Is this ever normal? Nowhere else I have worked has ever asked such, and self-assessments by nature are to be created by us not the company (hence the SELF part.) I fear this may be used as leverage for our upcoming yearly reviews and compensation discussions. Should I be concerned? Or just overreacting?

So, recently we came up for quarterly self-assessment at work, and they sent us an excel doc with the exactthings to set as our goals, all of them with 100% as the goal achievement. Is this ever normal? Nowhere else I have worked has ever asked such, and self-assessments by nature are to be created by us not the company (hence the SELF part.) I fear this may be used as leverage for our upcoming yearly reviews and compensation discussions. Should I be concerned? Or just overreacting?

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