
Senior engineer just quit and left the company on fire.

I work at a software engineering firm on a team that works with backend networking. This place is a nightmare to work at for a multitude of reasons. Mostly out of touch helicopter management and an unmaintainable codebase that the higher ups have refused to spend the money to fix long since I came onboard. Almost everyone on my team is not planning to be working here at the end of the year and this place has become a revolving door for new employees. The only reason the company stayed afloat is due to the two senior engineers that were here since the beginning. Both of them were awesome guys who helped everyone else make sense of the mess of a product we had to work on. At the beginning of the year, management decided that we could no longer work fully remote. We had to come to the office…

I work at a software engineering firm on a team that works with backend networking. This place is a nightmare to work at for a multitude of reasons. Mostly out of touch helicopter management and an unmaintainable codebase that the higher ups have refused to spend the money to fix long since I came onboard. Almost everyone on my team is not planning to be working here at the end of the year and this place has become a revolving door for new employees. The only reason the company stayed afloat is due to the two senior engineers that were here since the beginning. Both of them were awesome guys who helped everyone else make sense of the mess of a product we had to work on.

At the beginning of the year, management decided that we could no longer work fully remote. We had to come to the office for atleast 10 hours a week and log that on the work computers. This was fucking stupid for many reasons. Over 20% of the staff here were out of state for fucks sake and the company has had one of it's best years when we worked fully remote. When this got announced one of the senior engineers walked immediately and jumped to the biggest competitor. No one has come on as a replacement we've already missed a deadline because of it.

Well, last week the management announced no more remote work period. People are not happy and today the office has been an absolute shitshow. The main event of this circus though was something to behold. The last senior engineer walked right into management as he arrived and spent the entire morning there. Right before lunch he came out and announced he just quit to the team. Over the weekend he already lined up a new job and when he came in today he demanded a 80k raise to work in office. When they laughed in his face he told them he quit. Apparently management changed their tune immediately and tried to appease him with a 5k raise but he told them to go fuck themselves. They spent 2 hours trying to give him peanuts to get him to stay even offering him fully remote work but he just laughed in their face.

Most of the team has taken the rest of the day off and some of us even went to lunch with him while he told us the story of him holding management by the balls. No one knows the codebase anymore here..the documentation sucks and the company is actually fucked right now. Already looking for another job as well. Fuck managers.

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