
Several employees quitting after a bigot was promoted (company shared in text).

I work for Spencer's gifts, a company who I'm sure anyone who's visited it is aware profits off of symbolism of acceptance, anti-racism, and pro LGBTQ+. Recently we had a supervisor quit and they were looking to promote an associate to the position. They were considering me and another person for the position. Other supervisors on top of me and other associates have made it very clear that we have had experiences with the other candidates making racist comments, transphobic comments, homophobic comments, and being sexually inappropriate during work hours. Couple that with the fact that I had been working with the company significantly longer than the other candidate. Well recently we got the schedule and the problematic employee has been promoted against the advice of other management and the wants of the employees. So naturally a mass resignation is under way. Their only other supervisor quit immediately, I quit…

I work for Spencer's gifts, a company who I'm sure anyone who's visited it is aware profits off of symbolism of acceptance, anti-racism, and pro LGBTQ+. Recently we had a supervisor quit and they were looking to promote an associate to the position. They were considering me and another person for the position. Other supervisors on top of me and other associates have made it very clear that we have had experiences with the other candidates making racist comments, transphobic comments, homophobic comments, and being sexually inappropriate during work hours. Couple that with the fact that I had been working with the company significantly longer than the other candidate.

Well recently we got the schedule and the problematic employee has been promoted against the advice of other management and the wants of the employees. So naturally a mass resignation is under way. Their only other supervisor quit immediately, I quit immediately, and several other associates are either quitting or putting their 2 weeks in. I'm proud to see my fellow coworkers not tolerate someone being promoted who is bigoted and inappropriate to other coworkers.

For a company that profits off of symbolism of acceptance and allyship I'm extremely pissed off they would promote someone who has a documented history of problematic behavior against the groups that the company claims to support. I hope they enjoy operating the store with a fraction of the staff they had before.

Moral of the story…. Don't accept pieces of shit as managers. Organize with your coworkers and make it hurt when the company hurts you.

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