I work for a small startup and we have several employees located in the Ukraine, specifically in Kyiv. One of them in particular has not left Kyiv. Yesterday he was working and attending our meetings with his window open so he could listen for the air sirens. Our CEO hasn’t said anything or reassured them that their safety should be the first and foremost. I asked weeks ago if there was anything we could do as a company to help them get to safety and pretty much since the shit hit the fan they’re on their own to evacuate the country and get to safety. Meanwhile we’re still trucking along with our releases and deadlines. I doubt we would delay anything if one of them died.
Not sure what the point of this post is. I just want to rant because I feel helpless and have such resentment towards our leadership. I don’t know how our teammates are able to continue to work with doom knocking down their doors but I wish all the best to all the ordinary workers of Ukraine that have to keep working amidst all the chaos. Peace.