I am always puzzled by employees that stick up or defend shady employers.
A couple of years ago at my previous place of employment I was asked to take my overtime and roll any hours or minutes into the next day. This was from the mouth of the owner of an Alaskan small business. Not only was she telling me this but her manager was sitting right next to her. They both Owner and manager can see my reaction as I said “hmmm” and walked away. I brought this up to two of her long term employees and they seemed to have no problem with it. To them it seemed like that was normal.
My thoughts of course are why are these people defending her? Protecting her? The pay is crap, literally, it is crap at $11.00. The two employees that have been with her shop for so long and they may have by the time I was asked to do this gotten raises but nothing more than $12-13.00 and hour. I played this game for a short time and decided NO! My time and my skill level is worth every minute. Unfortunately, I did not record the date or time I was asked to do this nor did I record date or times I talked to co-workers the employer has asked.
I honestly do not know who I could have talked to to report the employer. But the whole sticking up for your employer baffles me.