
Shady restaurant owner put our bi-weekly paychecks on “hold”

This was many years ago but I love telling this story. I was a line cook at a small restaurant/bar and the owner was a total POS. Creepy old guy who was also the GM but lazy af. He would drink from the bar and get drunk on almost every shift and creep on the much younger girls that worked there. If it got crazy busy he would just get in the way and we all had to work around him. One payday I came in expecting my check like normal but he told the staff he changed payroll companies and would be holding our checks from the past 2 weeks. “Huh?! Why and for how long!?” He said it was get this, for collateral in case we stole something or broke an expensive piece of equipment. We would get that paycheck back upon leaving the company. I was raging…

This was many years ago but I love telling this story. I was a line cook at a small restaurant/bar and the owner was a total POS. Creepy old guy who was also the GM but lazy af. He would drink from the bar and get drunk on almost every shift and creep on the much younger girls that worked there. If it got crazy busy he would just get in the way and we all had to work around him. One payday I came in expecting my check like normal but he told the staff he changed payroll companies and would be holding our checks from the past 2 weeks. “Huh?! Why and for how long!?” He said it was get this, for collateral in case we stole something or broke an expensive piece of equipment. We would get that paycheck back upon leaving the company. I was raging on the inside but kept quiet and came up w a plan. I got the rest of the cooks to go on “strike” right before the next Friday night shift and demand he give us our checks, if he didn't then we all walk. Everyone agreed. The night comes and we go into his office and tell him we want the checks, he goes, “oh you need an advance? I can give you and advance” “no dude, not an advance we want the paychecks that we already earned!” He said he couldn't do that, so I just fucking ripped into him right in front of everyone telling him he's the worst boss I've ever had, drunk piece of shit who doesn't know dick about running a restaurant except into the ground, your a joke that nobody respects and you can't treat your employees this way and then I quit. I was expecting everyone to follow me but…none of them said shit just tucked tail and went back to work. I couldn't believe these fuckers would just lie down and take it, but I was definitely done. Less than a year later, the place shut down.

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