
Sharing a story from a job interview

Hey guys, I want to share a story from a recent job interview, and I want to heard opinion from you about situation that I had, because I feel off for a few days… Earlier this year (jan) I applied for a paid training program in a big multinational company and I got positive feedback. They send me a test of 40 questions that I have 1:30h to answer it, and I passed it. Later they call me, and we did online interview in english, where they seek for only basic level, and I passed. After that, I got classic HR interview of 30min and after few days they contact me that I passed and that next step is roleplay/stress-test. After passing roleplay test(hardest one during selection) they told me that the last step is only formal, and where I will have some small interview with my future managers, and…

Hey guys, I want to share a story from a recent job interview, and I want to heard opinion from you about situation that I had, because I feel off for a few days…

Earlier this year (jan) I applied for a paid training program in a big multinational company and I got positive feedback. They send me a test of 40 questions that I have 1:30h to answer it, and I passed it. Later they call me, and we did online interview in english, where they seek for only basic level, and I passed. After that, I got classic HR interview of 30min and after few days they contact me that I passed and that next step is roleplay/stress-test. After passing roleplay test(hardest one during selection) they told me that the last step is only formal, and where I will have some small interview with my future managers, and it’s probably wouldn’t be anything special.

Unfortunately those guys didn’t pick me, which I was somehow in shock, since I already passed hardest tests. This process lasted for almost 2 months

So my question, is this common practices from companies?

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