
Shitty Payback for a Shitty Boss

I worked in the film business for a number of years back in the late 90's/early aughts. As far as toxic work environments go, depending on the project, the film business can be right up there. Example – having a phone thrown across a production office, narrowly missing the person it was thrown at. One production manager in particular was a complete assbag. He even used the words “I lead by intimidation” to us on several occasions. In any event, he loved yelling at people, especially those of us who were really just starting out. It was irritating, but you took it because that was the cost of having that particular job. Needless to say, he did this more than once to me. Until he did it one too many times. After being yelled at on the phone by him, I had reached my end point. But I wasn't going…

I worked in the film business for a number of years back in the late 90's/early aughts.

As far as toxic work environments go, depending on the project, the film business can be right up there. Example – having a phone thrown across a production office, narrowly missing the person it was thrown at.

One production manager in particular was a complete assbag. He even used the words “I lead by intimidation” to us on several occasions.

In any event, he loved yelling at people, especially those of us who were really just starting out. It was irritating, but you took it because that was the cost of having that particular job.

Needless to say, he did this more than once to me. Until he did it one too many times.

After being yelled at on the phone by him, I had reached my end point. But I wasn't going to quit. No. I was just going to get even with him without his knowledge. Because let's face it…sometimes that's the best type of revenge.

SO, I went into his office and closed the door behind me. He was on set, which was 40 minutes away, so I knew I wouldn't be disturbed.

I took his phone receiver and stuffed it down the crack of my ass so that the mouthpiece was smack dab on my starfish…

And then, I proceeded to start dancing around. Vigorously.

For a good 10 minutes, I danced like I was Kevin Bacon in Footloose…to the point where sweat was dripping and I was generally gross.

Afterwards, I placed his phone back into its cradle, and went back to my regular day.

Every single time he used that phone afterwards, I smiled to myself knowing what I had done…essentially forcing him to kiss my ass each and every time he picked it up.

Would I suggest others do this? Not at all! But I certainly did. And it felt amazing.

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