
Short staffed- over staff- no one gets enough hours- people quit- short staffed again. Shocked Pikachu face

About 4 months ago I started working as a resident assistant at an assisted living place. I do nocturnal shift and I actually really love it. I was hired to work 24-32 hours a week. Prior to me being hired they couldn’t keep anyone on NOC shift for more than a month. Now we’ve overhired and my hours got cut to 16-24 hours a week. Told my boss this is not sustainable to me and was basically told to pound sand. Luckily for me, my husband can work unlimited OT so he told me to give my notice. I work every single weekend and missed out on family gatherings the last 2 weekends for this job. It’s simply not worth it anymore to me. My family is more important. The thing that kills me is the people getting my hours are awful. They neglect the residents the entire night and…

About 4 months ago I started working as a resident assistant at an assisted living place. I do nocturnal shift and I actually really love it. I was hired to work 24-32 hours a week. Prior to me being hired they couldn’t keep anyone on NOC shift for more than a month.

Now we’ve overhired and my hours got cut to 16-24 hours a week. Told my boss this is not sustainable to me and was basically told to pound sand. Luckily for me, my husband can work unlimited OT so he told me to give my notice.

I work every single weekend and missed out on family gatherings the last 2 weekends for this job. It’s simply not worth it anymore to me. My family is more important.

The thing that kills me is the people getting my hours are awful. They neglect the residents the entire night and one hour before day shift starts they go and change everyone’s Depends. So sure, go ahead and replace me with crap workers that neglect the residents.

I spoke to a day shift worker and I guess this is par for the course. They are short staffed so they over hire, promising hours. But then the hours aren’t there so they cut everyone’s hours and people leave. Then they’re short staffed again. It’s literally a never ending cycle and I’m not here for the ride.

In addition, the management is complete garbage. I’ve not dealt with them much being NOC shift but the notes I see and the stories I hear. No thanks.

Super glad I spent 25+ hours taking classes and getting certified just to be done within a couple of months.

Oh well, I did get a new best friend out of the deal.

Like a lot of other posts I wanna thank this sub for helping me open my eyes and make me realize that you don’t have to deal with this shit. I’ll take the rest of summer off and when my kids start school in the fall I’ll find a job that works for my family life.

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