
Short times in job positions

I love when older generations judge me for changing jobs every few years. Previous manger: ‘Why are you leaving?’ Well, you’ve made it clear I’m not getting a raise this year and there are no open positions for advancement… so… But seriously, this is the environment they have created. If I want my income to come anywhere close to covering my living expenses, I have to get off the boat when it’s no longer taking me anywhere. If you want to retain me, look at what other similar jobs are paying, think about the cost of the search to replace me and add a few %. If you can’t do that, I won’t stay long.

I love when older generations judge me for changing jobs every few years. Previous manger: ‘Why are you leaving?’ Well, you’ve made it clear I’m not getting a raise this year and there are no open positions for advancement… so… But seriously, this is the environment they have created. If I want my income to come anywhere close to covering my living expenses, I have to get off the boat when it’s no longer taking me anywhere. If you want to retain me, look at what other similar jobs are paying, think about the cost of the search to replace me and add a few %. If you can’t do that, I won’t stay long.

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