
Should I (22f) resign in the job that I have?

Hi! I know that it's not good to base this kind of decisions on strangers but I just want an another view on my problem since I'm not that used to the “real world” (it's my first paying job hehe) and I'm sorry with the long post and my broken English. It's kinda rant too so please bear with me. So I am a graduating student and I was already working before (I was a working scholar who doesn't get paid but has no tuition to pay for) and wanted to just continue the flow of me working so I decided to get a job right after I finished all classes and just wait for graduation. I got in as a PMS Coordinator which is technically handles the evaluation of workers in a company and the company itself. It's not the job that I want. I didn't even know what…

Hi! I know that it's not good to base this kind of decisions on strangers but I just want an another view on my problem since I'm not that used to the “real world” (it's my first paying job hehe) and I'm sorry with the long post and my broken English. It's kinda rant too so please bear with me.

So I am a graduating student and I was already working before (I was a working scholar who doesn't get paid but has no tuition to pay for) and wanted to just continue the flow of me working so I decided to get a job right after I finished all classes and just wait for graduation. I got in as a PMS Coordinator which is technically handles the evaluation of workers in a company and the company itself.

It's not the job that I want. I didn't even know what PMS (Performance Management System) means when I started 'cause the job description says that they need an employee who has work experience so I didn't think I'll get in and actually learn what it is. I wanted to be in HR and PMS is under HR before (not anymore, they are now a different department) so I gave them my resumè and went to interviews with them.

So when I got in, it was a mess. I thought that I was handling 1 company, it was 4. I am under 4 departments and a total of 5 boss/heads who won't sign my OB form (Official Business) for me to go to the other companies. They don't fully reimburse my transportation when I'm going to the other companies either. They said I can go there and ride via motorcycle with the messengers but one of the messengers got into an accident (it was their fault unfortunately but he was okay) so I don't really trust their driving.

The database of the employees are a mess too and there's little to no compliance in a department or in a company.

The worst part is the boss. I asked for any concerns about the evaluation, they didn't answer me. They did ask for tools for evaluation of performance and I gave it to them but nothing came back. So when I asked my boss for compliance (which is bad 'cause it sounded that I ordered him) he got frustrated and asked me to report to him and told me that there is a problem with everything, from the tool of evaluation to the management of the other department that I was in. My other boss is like “he's right about everything” which is I don't know why, she was there when I was asking for concerns and she knows that they are not talking to me. She knows that there's a problem but she didn't tell me.

His(my boss who got frustrated) office is 3 hours away from my work. I can't make it an official business since nobody is signing my form so I still need to clock in my main office which is 2 hours away from my house and clock out again. If I did go to his office, my transportation expenses is not covered and the work is hard 'cause my training is not done but I'm already handling all of the work.

There's the cons, now here is the pros. The people are very welcoming (except to the boss haha). They are very good people and will help you if you needed it. I am still asking help in my concerns but of course I can't just ask them everything. They have their own work. The next pros is the experience. This job is a good starting job for my career since it's already a position that needs an experience so my next job will be even better and better paying (hopefully).

The pay is so-so since most of it goes to my transportation (just to my house to the main office) and house bills.

So after all of this paragraphs haha, do you have any advice for me in my situation? I've been here just for a month and I'm already thinking of going. I feel kinda bad and also I think it will not look good in my resumè.

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