
Should I be feeling bad?

So, this is out of place here but I wanted to get some attention and can't think of a right subreddit. I work at an amusement park, I'm male 22, this is a side “hustle” I'm not in need of the money, but I'd like to feel a little more free when I wanna spend something, and not depend on my parents and burden them. Thus I have started working again for the past 5 months (have worked 1.5 years in Domino's pizza before). I have bad knees, particularly the right one but the left one hurts too, as you may understand, this work is a standing one. For most of my time here (like 80%) I was at a game where I had to go up and down a set of 5 steps (stairs) consistently throughout the shift (8+ hours). That agitated my knee and it probably developed tendonitis…

So, this is out of place here but I wanted to get some attention and can't think of a right subreddit.

I work at an amusement park, I'm male 22, this is a side “hustle” I'm not in need of the money, but I'd like to feel a little more free when I wanna spend something, and not depend on my parents and burden them. Thus I have started working again for the past 5 months (have worked 1.5 years in Domino's pizza before).

I have bad knees, particularly the right one but the left one hurts too, as you may understand, this work is a standing one. For most of my time here (like 80%) I was at a game where I had to go up and down a set of 5 steps (stairs) consistently throughout the shift (8+ hours). That agitated my knee and it probably developed tendonitis or something, it even hurts when walking normally.

I asked the managers to try and put me in posts that are free of stairs/more chill etc, in order to make the work bearable and not ruin myself.

So the amusement park has free parking on weekends, so there's another position open on weekends, that of the guy who's at the parking, and for self-explanatory reasons that position has a chair. And on their own will (without me specifically asking), the managers decided to put me in the parking position, sometimes, not all. This has been happening for a month and I've been the one to have the parking post like half the times.

But apparently that was the post they normally gave to an older man like 55 or something, not sure, just judging by his looks. He's extremely rude on every aspect, if he wants something from you he will ask as if commanding you, If you wish him a nice shift, he will not even answer, and that's not all but anyway.

So the point of the post is, should I be feeling bad for “taking his post”?

I'm literally at work right now, and I was put at parking, and when I came to my post he was here, apparently he didn't bother going into the office to ask where he's at today, and just assumed even though he knows he's not the only one who comes to this post. And he made a passive aggressive comment to me like “Don't you go the exit (the post he currently has today) and I stay here and relax”, I barely even answered because it made me feel uncomfortable and I really didn't want to go to the exit as I would suffer through my shift, honestly for all I know he could have better knees than me, or else I can't imagine how he's been at this job for so long.

So yeah, this job occupies mostly young students like me, and there's a handful of older people here too because they probably don't wanna let them go because of damage pay or whatever. It's not my fault he ended up at such a job at such an age, but still the question stands, would you feel bad if you were me? Would you give up the luck of staying in a sitting post when your knee hurts like crazy, for the sake of a rude “old” man?

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