
Should I feel guilty for not explaining to my employer why I’m quitting?

I work in a pharmacy (or I guess used to) and yesterday my boss called a meeting w/ me to tell me about how a patient complained about me. Without getting too much into detail, basically he yelled at me for 5min in front of everyone about how nobody should be getting the COVID vaccine, I told him he needed to leave so I could help other people, and 3 days later he came back and complained to my boss about me saying I was “impatient@“ and I had “attitude” lmfao . I tried explaining what happened but my boss basically just told me that I needed to deal with it and that no matter what happens I need to have good customer service. Anyway I’ve decided to quit because there’s been a lot of instances like this actually and I have a lot going on in my life (school…

I work in a pharmacy (or I guess used to) and yesterday my boss called a meeting w/ me to tell me about how a patient complained about me. Without getting too much into detail, basically he yelled at me for 5min in front of everyone about how nobody should be getting the COVID vaccine, I told him he needed to leave so I could help other people, and 3 days later he came back and complained to my boss about me saying I was “impatient@“ and I had “attitude” lmfao . I tried explaining what happened but my boss basically just told me that I needed to deal with it and that no matter what happens I need to have good customer service.

Anyway I’ve decided to quit because there’s been a lot of instances like this actually and I have a lot going on in my life (school full time, recent death of a loved one) and I really do not have the energy to deal with this. Especially since I literally make $1 above minimum wage. Overall I’m just really pissed that I had to get in trouble for not bending over backwards for someone who yelled at me for 5 min about something I have no control over?

Anyway the point is should I feel guilty for “ghosting”? I did text my boss that I quit but I didn’t explain why or give a reason and I just blocked everyone’s numbers afterward. I feel like I’m screwing them over though. Am I doing the right thing? I feel bad :/ I guess I’m just looking for validation in some way to make sure I’m not doing a terrible thing for not explaining why I’m quitting

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