
should I get a job?

I tried applying for Giant food stores and I highly believe they discriminated against me because of my mental health issues of course I can't prove it because they don't directly say it but their attitude really showed it. And if I can't get hired at a simple grocery store being a 24-year-old then I don't know where else I'm supposed to even try. That was my first interview in like 3 years. I get SSI but it's really not much because I can't even get a room with the SSI and all the charities near me are very religious and they seem to not want to help me at all. Honestly I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm being called lazy by old people while they say everyone is hiring when I can get hired at the basic simple jobs. I'm getting sick and tired of them…

I tried applying for Giant food stores and I highly believe they discriminated against me because of my mental health issues of course I can't prove it because they don't directly say it but their attitude really showed it. And if I can't get hired at a simple grocery store being a 24-year-old then I don't know where else I'm supposed to even try. That was my first interview in like 3 years. I get SSI but it's really not much because I can't even get a room with the SSI and all the charities near me are very religious and they seem to not want to help me at all. Honestly I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm being called lazy by old people while they say everyone is hiring when I can get hired at the basic simple jobs. I'm getting sick and tired of them calling me lazy because I try to keep active as much as possible because I live in the tent and I'm depressed a lot. And it seems like I can't stay in one space unless I'm sleeping. Does anyone have any charities that would help me get my first month's rent and security deposit out of the way? Because the one that's supposed to do it near me isn't doing it.

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