
Should I just quit with no notice?

I really really want to quit my job. I work at a job that on paper seems wonderful, but when you get into it is honestly very physically and mentally draining. The management sucks and the owner is a tyrant who has to control every aspect of the job even down to having to call her if you’re sick(she runs a big company so it’s like if you were sick and worked at McDonald’s. A normal person would tell their manager not call the ceo). They don’t care about your life or family issues and will work you from 8 am to about 7 pm six days a week. Feel sick? Gotta come in or stay here or your fired. Parent dies? Sorry you get one day to grieve and come back to work or fired. They don’t even offer benefits! And give you one 30 minute UNPAID break a…

I really really want to quit my job. I work at a job that on paper seems wonderful, but when you get into it is honestly very physically and mentally draining. The management sucks and the owner is a tyrant who has to control every aspect of the job even down to having to call her if you’re sick(she runs a big company so it’s like if you were sick and worked at McDonald’s. A normal person would tell their manager not call the ceo). They don’t care about your life or family issues and will work you from 8 am to about 7 pm six days a week.
Feel sick? Gotta come in or stay here or your fired. Parent dies? Sorry you get one day to grieve and come back to work or fired. They don’t even offer benefits! And give you one 30 minute UNPAID break a day.
Most managers don’t get vacation and if they put in for it it’s taken away. The only catch is that it’s a job that pays well. On average I bring home almost $900 a week. I use to think that it was all worth it but now I’m slowly starting to feel like I need to go. The logical side of me says stay until I find something else but the person in me who is mentally drained says to just cut my losses and leave. I have a savings that would buy me a few months as well as a partner who makes good money. I’m sorry if this is all jumbled but I’m TIRED. My partner says do whatever I think is best but i don’t know what is best. Maybe all jobs are like this now. Maybe I should stick it out and be happy I have a job that provides for my family. I’m just so frustrated with everything at this point

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