
Should I leave?

Brief background: my company fired many people three months ago. Only a couple of us survived and of course we are stressed, overworked, and got the workload of everyone who left. I was naive and did my best to help everyone, I did things that went beyond expectations and so did my other coworkers. Keep in mind I’m the youngest and the one who is paid the least. My paycheck is a joke compared to anyone else, but my boss implied that he would give me a raise and I believed it. I spend months working my best, doing at least the job of 4 people. This week my boss created a company wise meeting and congratulated my coworkers and me for everything we have done. He thanked me and gave a speech about recognition and how much it means. I was getting my hopes up until…. Yup. The meeting…

Brief background: my company fired many people three months ago. Only a couple of us survived and of course we are stressed, overworked, and got the workload of everyone who left. I was naive and did my best to help everyone, I did things that went beyond expectations and so did my other coworkers. Keep in mind I’m the youngest and the one who is paid the least. My paycheck is a joke compared to anyone else, but my boss implied that he would give me a raise and I believed it.

I spend months working my best, doing at least the job of 4 people. This week my boss created a company wise meeting and congratulated my coworkers and me for everything we have done. He thanked me and gave a speech about recognition and how much it means. I was getting my hopes up until…. Yup. The meeting ended. The boss didn’t reach to me during the week. Nothing. This is recognition? I don’t need a speech or an ovation, I need a fair salary that reflects the job I do. I’m beyond disappointed and furious.

Should I ask for the raise and remind them? Of should I simply start looking and out my two weeks?

To everyone who reads it: do not do your best at any company that is not yours. They do not care, they are only in there bubble and will exploit you as much as they can.

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