
Should I leave my job?

Started a new job about a month ago, and ever since I have just not been feeling it. I'm bored all the time, my values don't quite line up with the company's/my supervisors, I dread coming in each day, the pay is just okay, I have no interest in what we're doing and feel apathetic all day. My dad says I should stick it out, these feelings are normal when you just start a new job plus it's better than the alternative of not having a job. But I just feel like, in my gut, that this isn't the right place for me. I have money saved up and live at home with my folks, so that isn't much of an issue. I just don't know what to do. I feel like I need a change

Started a new job about a month ago, and ever since I have just not been feeling it. I'm bored all the time, my values don't quite line up with the company's/my supervisors, I dread coming in each day, the pay is just okay, I have no interest in what we're doing and feel apathetic all day.

My dad says I should stick it out, these feelings are normal when you just start a new job plus it's better than the alternative of not having a job. But I just feel like, in my gut, that this isn't the right place for me. I have money saved up and live at home with my folks, so that isn't much of an issue.

I just don't know what to do. I feel like I need a change

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