
Should I max out my STD?

So I have a chronic medical condition which made me have 2 surgeries a few months apart. I told my job during the interview and my direct management is super nice. It is the insurance handling people I have beef with. 1st surgery: I must use 40 hours of my own PTO before STD kicks in. My doctor told me to take 8 weeks off physically but I can telework 4-6 weeks after. I told this to the insurance lady and she put the end date at week 4 and begins calling me at the end of week 3 asking me what my plan is to return to work. I reminded her about what the doctor told me. She was having none of it and asked me when my next appointment was. It was in a few days. She then says – “okay, I will extend it until then.” I…

So I have a chronic medical condition which made me have 2 surgeries a few months apart. I told my job during the interview and my direct management is super nice. It is the insurance handling people I have beef with.

1st surgery: I must use 40 hours of my own PTO before STD kicks in. My doctor told me to take 8 weeks off physically but I can telework 4-6 weeks after. I told this to the insurance lady and she put the end date at week 4 and begins calling me at the end of week 3 asking me what my plan is to return to work. I reminded her about what the doctor told me. She was having none of it and asked me when my next appointment was. It was in a few days. She then says – “okay, I will extend it until then.” I had to remind her once again of the 4-6 weeks…. She made me feel pressured to be fair.

2nd surgery: my doctor had always told me this one wasn’t so bad and that I should be okay within 2 weeks. This is what I told my boss. I will be taking 2 weeks off. However, my pre surgery appointment, the doc says “3 weeks,” and on discharge papers it says 4-8 weeks. I put 3 weeks on the disability forms. However, I am on week 2 and still struggling. It was a life altering major surgery.

They also made me use another 40 hours of PTO on second surgery as it is their policy. I am just now thinking of maxing it out and taking the full 8 weeks. Thoughts?

Oh, and for bonus, it is the same annoying lady handling my case.

STD pays 100% of my salary.

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