
Should I no call no show?

Got a new job starting in September. On my last two weeks at current shit job. I think a weeks vacation would be better than a weeks worth of pay no matter how scarce I’ll have to live for two weeks. I have the whole “ I don’t want to fuck anyone over” thing in my head so kinda back and forth on it. It’s been a shit place to work never had time off in a year and a half so why not?

Got a new job starting in September. On my last two weeks at current shit job. I think a weeks vacation would be better than a weeks worth of pay no matter how scarce I’ll have to live for two weeks. I have the whole “ I don’t want to fuck anyone over” thing in my head so kinda back and forth on it. It’s been a shit place to work never had time off in a year and a half so why not?

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