
Should I offer to work more or should my bosses be better organized? (Kinda thinking the later isn’t possible)

I work on the ABA field. Recently, I completely an online training (40 hours) in April this year for a promotion. Now, I only need hours under a supervisor to be able to sit for the exam that will get me my 4 dollar raise. But, my company doesn’t seem all that eager to complete the process with me. The last 6 weeks we’ve hosted a summer program which I often helped out at. Only a single hour there was marked down by my supervisor. She couldn’t be there for any of my other sessions in the afternoons… I warned her at the beginning of the week what times I’d be there too. Maybe we should pre plan sessions together to eliminate this issue? Just yesterday, I told her our mutual client would be at the center tomorrow (Saturday) and she told me unfortunately she couldn’t be there…..again. I’m been…

I work on the ABA field.
Recently, I completely an online training (40 hours) in April this year for a promotion. Now, I only need hours under a supervisor to be able to sit for the exam that will get me my 4 dollar raise.
But, my company doesn’t seem all that eager to complete the process with me.
The last 6 weeks we’ve hosted a summer program which I often helped out at. Only a single hour there was marked down by my supervisor. She couldn’t be there for any of my other sessions in the afternoons…
I warned her at the beginning of the week what times I’d be there too. Maybe we should pre plan sessions together to eliminate this issue?
Just yesterday, I told her our mutual client would be at the center tomorrow (Saturday) and she told me unfortunately she couldn’t be there…..again.
I’m been attempting to get this raise for months and I’m considering going somewhere else and just redoing all the steps..
The only other thing I can think of that might help expedite the process is if I ask to work with another one of her clients wed-Friday afternoons 4-6 in the hope she’s with then more than my current client.
My fiancé and I are certainly worried since our wedding is next month and we are getting a house immediately after. and currently I only make 2k a month. He makes 10k+, so it’s wildly different.
The only other job I could do with the degree I have that MIGHT make me more money would be working as a tech in medical/psychology trial. Everything else I’d have to either change career paths entirely (I’m planning on this it’s just slow going since I need hospital hours which are currently hard to get) or I’d have to go back for a masters.
Thoughts? Suggestions?

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