
Should I quit my job and leave them short staffed?

I (f17) started my first real job working as a waitress at a sushi restaurant back in december of 2021. I took this job because i was desperate and they hired me on the spot, but honestly ever since i started it has been absolute hell. The only thing keeping me there are my amazing co-workers and regulars along with the money. When i originally came in looking for a job position i asked if they were hiring hostesses and i was told yes and that i could begin working the following Friday. When i showed up for my first shift i found out that there wasn't a hostess position and that they had actually hired me to be a server. I figured i would go ahead and try it since i was already there and within my first 20 minutes i was already fed to the wolves and serving…

I (f17) started my first real job working as a waitress at a sushi restaurant back in december of 2021. I took this job because i was desperate and they hired me on the spot, but honestly ever since i started it has been absolute hell. The only thing keeping me there are my amazing co-workers and regulars along with the money.

When i originally came in looking for a job position i asked if they were hiring hostesses and i was told yes and that i could begin working the following Friday. When i showed up for my first shift i found out that there wasn't a hostess position and that they had actually hired me to be a server. I figured i would go ahead and try it since i was already there and within my first 20 minutes i was already fed to the wolves and serving tables without any training or shadowing. Most customers were empathetic and understanding of the fact this was my first job and first day/week. Although some were not and anytime i would make a mistake my bosses would yell at me in front of customers and i felt stupid and worthless for not knowing exactly what to do how my bosses wanted it despite never being properly trained. Also serving staff doesn't receive work schedules we are just told at our next shift if we are working or not.

The months went on and i eventually got really good at my job no thanks to my bosses. I was making good tips and getting good customer reviews on google. Despite my quick and good progress my bosses still continued to treat me like dog shit. anytime i had a question the would brush me off and go tell me to ask someone else and when we got busy they would scream at me to go away. It is also very clear they prioritize profit over staff and customers. They are also quite cheap. For example, I had a table ask for no mushrooms with their veggies and extra broccoli to substitute, my boss made me upcharge them 2.00 for the substitution. they also will not protect their staff when it comes to unruly and disrespectful customers. Our bosses talk shit about all of the serving staff to whichever servers are around and talk shit about us in their native language to the few other staff who also speak the same so we don't know what they're saying. My bosses also talk shit about the nice customers which is really disheartening. All of the staff is amazing and we are all team players despite being extremely overworked. The serving staff does everything besides make the food (not including the miso soup and house salad.) I really want to quit but i would feel terrible leaving my co-workers and adding onto their workload with my absence. WIBTA for quitting my job and leaving them short staffed (only 3 servers)?

p.s. my bosses also refused to do anything about a roach infestation the serving staff brought to their attention, they sell alcohol to minors, and tonight i was having a panic attack/crying after being screwed over by customers so my boss called me “slow” to my other co-worker.

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