
Should I Start Just Straight Up Lying In Interviews?

I never thought it would come to this as I despise lying and can’t think of a time when I’ve lied for my own benefit, however after months of searching and on financial hardships due to inflation/economy/low wages, should I just start effing lying during interviews and on my resume if I can get away with it? Over half the jobs I’m applying for I know I can either learn, figure it out in a week, or already know. I’m desperate, and it’s not like I’m stupid or not hard working. I can’t keep working two jobs especially now that I just got my BA. Look, I feel guilty even thinking about this, but I’m desperate and have been treated like sh*t/unfairly by recruiters and companies TL;DR: should I lie about experience and classes/education if I can get away with it since I’m beyond desperate?

I never thought it would come to this as I despise lying and can’t think of a time when I’ve lied for my own benefit, however after months of searching and on financial hardships due to inflation/economy/low wages, should I just start effing lying during interviews and on my resume if I can get away with it?

Over half the jobs I’m applying for I know I can either learn, figure it out in a week, or already know. I’m desperate, and it’s not like I’m stupid or not hard working. I can’t keep working two jobs especially now that I just got my BA. Look, I feel guilty even thinking about this, but I’m desperate and have been treated like sh*t/unfairly by recruiters and companies

TL;DR: should I lie about experience and classes/education if I can get away with it since I’m beyond desperate?

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