
Should I tell my boss that I’m going through IVF? (Australia)

Just a bit of context. I started my job about a year ago, stellar performance and was told multiple times that I was doing well and there’s been discussions of getting a promotion at year end. During this time, we were WFH because of COVID lockdowns so no one bat an eyelid. Once we were out of lock down there was pressure to go back into the office and so when it became policy to go back 2-3 times a week, I had to comply. I ended up getting COVID which is what I expected from having to catch public transport I had to isolate and recover at home, whilst expected to WFH. My cough never really recovered even weeks after and each time I went into the office, my coughing fits would start up and I would be back to square one in recovery. I ended up being in…

Just a bit of context.

I started my job about a year ago, stellar performance and was told multiple times that I was doing well and there’s been discussions of getting a promotion at year end.

During this time, we were WFH because of COVID lockdowns so no one bat an eyelid. Once we were out of lock down there was pressure to go back into the office and so when it became policy to go back 2-3 times a week, I had to comply.

I ended up getting COVID which is what I expected from having to catch public transport I had to isolate and recover at home, whilst expected to WFH. My cough never really recovered even weeks after and each time I went into the office, my coughing fits would start up and I would be back to square one in recovery. I ended up being in emergency at one point because I started to vomit from coughing fits. That’s when I was recommended to stay at home and not to travel in because my body was obviously still weak.

It’s been about 5 weeks and since then I can feel my relationship with my boss sour. Recently HR asked me to get a doctors note stating that I was told to WFH and medical certificates for all the sick leave. I can understand a bit from their perspective as it just seems like I’m using COVID an excuse to WFH, but by the same token, I am still WORKING from home. It’s not like I’ve just taken 5 weeks off without a medical certificate.

I’m finally feeling a bit better and looking to start IVF. I took two days off to go into surgery and it took 3 days of trying to talk to my boss for her to set aside 5-10 minutes for me let her know about surgery alone because she was ‘busy’.

Once I came back, there were a few emails where she responded to clients to let them know that I was sick and hence the delay in response but not once did she tell me that she hoped I was feeling better or all the best for surgery. Meanwhile half my team got COVID from being forced to attend a work event and apparently she’s been telling everyone to take it easy and get well soon…

Since IVF is an ongoing thing, and given my current relationship with her, should I tell her why I’ll be taking additional leave? I’m wondering if clearing the air will help the hostility I’m feeling from her (I assume it’s from not knowing what’s going in and the assumption that I’m faking sickness?)

Also for those who have gone through IVF in Australia, did you bosses allow you take to it as sick leave or annual?

I’m worried that telling her will make it worse and take me out of the running from a promotion at the end of the year. HR has set a meeting with me on Monday to ‘catch up’.

Edit to add: they’re nosy people and if they google the doctors name on my medical certificate, they’ll find out that it’s for IVF anyway.

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