
Should I tell someone about my boss’ behaviour?

So to start this off, I’ve only been at the current place for about a month so far, and have had no issues with anyone except this boss (I have 3 total). Today I was called into the office upstairs for what they called a 1 to 1, said boss had asked a supervisor if they would talk to me about my habits of crossing my arms and leaning against the door while I’m on shift, I work as a front of house team member in an opticians and I work 10 hour shifts with maybe 2 or 3 opportunities to sit down. I always try to make myself seem welcoming and always try to smile and sound upbeat when talking to customers, I just have a habit of crossing my arms during downtime when there is no customers waiting and we are just stood there. Now I can see…

So to start this off, I’ve only been at the current place for about a month so far, and have had no issues with anyone except this boss (I have 3 total).

Today I was called into the office upstairs for what they called a 1 to 1, said boss had asked a supervisor if they would talk to me about my habits of crossing my arms and leaning against the door while I’m on shift, I work as a front of house team member in an opticians and I work 10 hour shifts with maybe 2 or 3 opportunities to sit down. I always try to make myself seem welcoming and always try to smile and sound upbeat when talking to customers, I just have a habit of crossing my arms during downtime when there is no customers waiting and we are just stood there.

Now I can see why this might not come across as the most professional thing but it really isn’t like I do it that often or like I even look very unprofessional while doing it. And no other manager has even mentioned anything about it to me so it is specifically this manager.

What it is that has made me lose respect and start to dislike this manager is that he asked me to stop and gets onto me for doing these things, but then today I noticed him doing the exact same thing and I called him out on it, yet he said ‘I’m allowed, I’m not front of house’ even though he is still stood in the middle of the store and in plain view of customers. At the very least I’d expect him to set the example for us as workers rather than just give us a separate rule from every other department. It really made me angry to be honest. Several of my coworkers were present and could back up my story if I need proof, but would it be worth going to another manager and mentioning it to them and explaining this?

The other managers tend to be a lot more chill and I get along with them quite well. I just don’t want to come across badly and I’m not sure entirely how this does come across. Any help or opinions appreciated

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