
Should I walk?

I am currently working in an office with 4 other females. Small office. Main manager put in her 2 weeks, and her job was opened up to be applied for internally. I was out sick the day it was posted. It was open and available for application for 5 days before I returned. I found out about it when the current supervisor was interviewing for the position – she was hired. No one breathed a word to me that the position was open for application because everyone assumed that the supervisor would just step into the role – there are only 5 of us, everyone kind of gets how shit works. I was going to apply….I did not get the chance – like I said, no one told me because of the assumption. Current supervisor accepted the new manager position and then came to me after and said “sorry you…

I am currently working in an office with 4 other females. Small office. Main manager put in her 2 weeks, and her job was opened up to be applied for internally. I was out sick the day it was posted. It was open and available for application for 5 days before I returned. I found out about it when the current supervisor was interviewing for the position – she was hired. No one breathed a word to me that the position was open for application because everyone assumed that the supervisor would just step into the role – there are only 5 of us, everyone kind of gets how shit works. I was going to apply….I did not get the chance – like I said, no one told me because of the assumption. Current supervisor accepted the new manager position and then came to me after and said “sorry you didn’t get to apply, but you were out sick.” I could have applied at home, you knew what you were doing.

So now, HER position is open for supervisor. I apply, and assume I will be the only one – wrong. Myself and 1 of the other girls applied. Said other girl is BFFs with newly appointed manager. They hang out and drink and smoke weed together on the weekends.

We are both interviewing for the position tomorrow. New manager/BFF of other applicant is the one giving the interviews and throwing in her opinion to the regional manager about who should get the spot.

If managers BFF magically secures the position (with 4 months less time in place than me, plus 2 write ups, I have none) should I put in my notice due to an unfair and biased hiring? There is no other way she would get the position, I have it over her in experience, education, sales, customer service, etc. I thought I was a shoe in. If I do stay regardless of her being chosen, should I send an email to HR about the unfairness of the interview situation because of the two of them having a close personal outside of work relationship?

I like the job, the pay isn’t bad and the hours are fantastic. I am concerned tho that I won’t be able to hide how gross the situation will be if the other girl gets chosen over me. There are only 5 of us, it’s almost impossible to hide it when one of us is upset about anything at all. I live in a remote area with little employment opportunities. Quitting would suck, but if the other is picked over me NO ONE will be under any misunderstanding- we will all know why and I dread the tension it will bring, plus it’s just plain wrong.

Thanks for the rant.

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