
sick af. call boss. he says “did you forget that i don’t care?”

Click bait title. Been sick since Monday. Worked remote Monday. Texted boss Tuesday morning saying that I'll be out of office; I'm sick. Cancel all my meetings. This morning, expect to go to work. Still feel like shit. Call boss instead of text. No answer. Leave voice mail. Cancel all meetings again. Boss calls back 30 minutes later. Tell him I'm sick and I'm not going to be around. He replies while chuckling “did you forget that i don't care? Take care of yourself and I'll see you later this week.” You have to understand his sarcasm that gets lost in text but i just wanted to tell you fine folks that there is good management at good companies out there. I don't know how to find them but i feel lucky to be where I'm at.

Click bait title.

Been sick since Monday. Worked remote Monday. Texted boss Tuesday morning saying that I'll be out of office; I'm sick. Cancel all my meetings. This morning, expect to go to work. Still feel like shit. Call boss instead of text. No answer. Leave voice mail. Cancel all meetings again. Boss calls back 30 minutes later. Tell him I'm sick and I'm not going to be around. He replies while chuckling “did you forget that i don't care? Take care of yourself and I'll see you later this week.” You have to understand his sarcasm that gets lost in text but i just wanted to tell you fine folks that there is good management at good companies out there. I don't know how to find them but i feel lucky to be where I'm at.

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