
Sick of Non-Constructive Criticism – RANT

Hello, lurker here. And this is a burner account because I’m paranoid about my boss finding this even though I know she doesn’t use Reddit. Basically I work in the video industry and I help my boss make videos about car sales. To keep this short, I’m sick and fucking tired of the way she criticizes my work. She loves most of what I do but when she doesn’t, she resorts to personal insults about it, saying things like “I didn’t try hard enough on it,” and that she “knows I can do better” without telling me what she doesn’t like. I have no problem with constructive criticism but the key word is constructive. She doesn’t tell me what’s wrong with it, she just expects me to fix it. I hate it and quite honestly It makes me hate my job. She also has a nasty habit of blaming me…

Hello, lurker here. And this is a burner account because I’m paranoid about my boss finding this even though I know she doesn’t use Reddit. Basically I work in the video industry and I help my boss make videos about car sales. To keep this short, I’m sick and fucking tired of the way she criticizes my work. She loves most of what I do but when she doesn’t, she resorts to personal insults about it, saying things like “I didn’t try hard enough on it,” and that she “knows I can do better” without telling me what she doesn’t like. I have no problem with constructive criticism but the key word is constructive. She doesn’t tell me what’s wrong with it, she just expects me to fix it. I hate it and quite honestly It makes me hate my job. She also has a nasty habit of blaming me for things that aren’t my fault on top of all this (technological glitches like WiFi cutting out during her streams and such.) I’m losing morale and quick. My work quality is definitely being negatively affected by this. I know this is bad but I don’t even care anymore when there are errors in my work. I’m trying to get a better attitude but it’s so hard. Thank you for reading this if you have. I hope to find a new job soon!

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