
Sick of Scammy Job Posts and Wasted Time!

I applied to what looked like a valid job posting, only to find out that they were farming information. I got a shady message on LinkedIn (where I had applied for the job) asking me to fill out a Google Forms survey. I did not fill this out. At the bottom of the first page, it asked for my Dribbble account (I don't have one) and if I don't have one to create one within 2-3 days. Then it asked me to follow their account on Dribbble because they only hire people who follow their account. Not a fucking chance…

I applied to what looked like a valid job posting, only to find out that they were farming information. I got a shady message on LinkedIn (where I had applied for the job) asking me to fill out a Google Forms survey. I did not fill this out. At the bottom of the first page, it asked for my Dribbble account (I don't have one) and if I don't have one to create one within 2-3 days. Then it asked me to follow their account on Dribbble because they only hire people who follow their account. Not a fucking chance…

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