
“Simplification Consultant/Specialist” Will be in the future, I think.

If not they should be. Once many companies finally get a pulse on what it takes to retain employees and keep them happy, I think a job of the future will be a “Simplification Specialist.” Someone who's job it is to figure out ways to simplify jobs all in the name of making life easier/better for employees. Someone who literally looks for ways for employees to cut corners while still satisfactorily performing the duties they were hired for. Also I think they will start looking for ways to make work life more bearable & enjoyable. I think any job that can be made remote, will be. At the end of the day, everyone wants a stress free job, where they're treated with care, like an adult, and given as much freedom as possible. For instance, retail or fast food… I think at some point, instead of being told “you cant…

If not they should be.

Once many companies finally get a pulse on what it takes to retain employees and keep them happy, I think a job of the future will be a “Simplification Specialist.” Someone who's job it is to figure out ways to simplify jobs all in the name of making life easier/better for employees. Someone who literally looks for ways for employees to cut corners while still satisfactorily performing the duties they were hired for. Also I think they will start looking for ways to make work life more bearable & enjoyable. I think any job that can be made remote, will be. At the end of the day, everyone wants a stress free job, where they're treated with care, like an adult, and given as much freedom as possible.

For instance, retail or fast food… I think at some point, instead of being told “you cant sit, and pick up a broom in your down time”… Employees will be encouraged to sit, pull out their phones text a friend, bring a nintendo switch to play on, whatever, and put it up when customers come in, or encouraged to figure out ways to enjoy the down time. Maybe even have material in orientation that suggests ways for employees to enjoy themselves and cut corners.

Because in the grand scheme, picking up a broom and sweeping a floor thats already swept or barely dirty, is doing no good, its only fatiguing your employees and giving them a reason to hate being there. This also likely makes them more bitter when dealing with customers. It makes them more likely to not care about their job or care to keep it. While giving them freedom to enjoy themselves would be the exact opposite of all of this. It would introduce positive energy that would more than likely be a massive positive force in all aspects of the job. Meanwhile, profits are the same or rising. The company is getting excellent press for how well it treats its employees. People are sending in applications right and left. Etc.

I think things like meetings that are irrelevant to majority of the people attending are going to be rethought and only required for those it is relevant to. No reason to put stress on those that dont need to attend.

Part of the reason I think this is going to happen, is because, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hire people. I think with the rise of remote work, its going become even harder to keep people coming into a work location. I think companies will be forced to figure out ways to take stress and difficulty out of the equation. I think jobs like taking orders at a drive thru or even a front counter will eventually be made remote. While a crew in the back cooks your food and brings it to the counter.

Most of the BS policies like “picking up a broom during down time” are based on nothing more than some greedy asshole that cant stand the thought of paying people to sit around even if they're making no difference.

I also think with all the climate change stuff, companies will embrace remote work in the name of cutting emissions and keeping people off the road.

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