
Sincerely thinking about starting my own business

I've always wanted to start my own business, and have been working to gather money to be able to do so, I'm still young (23M). I still don't have nearly enough (1k in bank) due to several personal issues during this year. I have a steady job where I've always been felt welcome and the environment is great, salary is not the best but it's the worst either, can do pretty much what I want and still save some every month. Recently though, something happenned that's making me consider leaving my job asap… but have been struggling to see where to. Let's start from the begginning: In December, I told HR I was unhappy there, as I was doing pretty much the same thing every single day, and I get bored quick. The HR manager is someone I really look up to, is really humane and very friendly. I asked…

I've always wanted to start my own business, and have been working to gather money to be able to do so, I'm still young (23M). I still don't have nearly enough (1k in bank) due to several personal issues during this year. I have a steady job where I've always been felt welcome and the environment is great, salary is not the best but it's the worst either, can do pretty much what I want and still save some every month.

Recently though, something happenned that's making me consider leaving my job asap… but have been struggling to see where to. Let's start from the begginning:

In December, I told HR I was unhappy there, as I was doing pretty much the same thing every single day, and I get bored quick. The HR manager is someone I really look up to, is really humane and very friendly. I asked if there was any solution to this, that I'd be flexible to whatever he could come up with, and offered some options to change department too as we are growing very fast, but all got rejected as they hired me for this position because they needed someone there. Fair enough. I knew what I was coming in for when I started this job, but having graduated during the pandemic in Hospitality, there wasn't much available, and I only got this job because I had been here as an intern before and my bosses really enjoyed the work I did.

During this year and since then, without any additional investment and with the only rising costs being inflation-based, I brought the company more than 4M€, while they are paying me €24k annually… I always thought I deserved more, but my supervisor said that I already got 2 raises during the last year (after netting them a great amount too, went from 20k to 22k to 24k) while everyone else just got 1.

They recently hired a 40F to my department, which I was in charge of training, and she doesn't want to learn. Everyone in my department has tried and failed, and she's more of a cost than a source of income, but she's getting paid the same as me. I still accepted the situation, but have started looking at other jobs to see if maybe I could get something better, but haven't even managed to get an interview.

Now what really crossed the line for me was the following the situation:

My manager is 6 months pregnant and will soon leave for maternity leave. She always told me that someone would be coming to our department to add to the team at the same level we are, as we are adding more hotels to our portfolio and someone will need to be in charge of them. Now this monday, the company's owner had a meeting with HR and my manager, saying that if the person coming is at the same level as me and my colleagues, then there was no point for my manager to come back after she has a child. So they PROMOTED the new person with a BETTER pay and she will be in charge of us during my manager's absence. This person went through the whole recruiting process ready to take into a position, and she has been promoted without even being here already, while one of my colleagues and I have been working hard for 2 years, have pretty much made this department from scratch with the help of my manager (She was alone when I first joined), we have made the company MILLIONS and we're still only in July, and there was no pay bump or promotion for us.

I really believe I can start my own company now but don't have the money to start, and can't find another job that pays me a bit better (I'm asking for 30k, been lowering to 28k recently but still no dice…)

This is mostly to vent, but would love to hear some advice before I just lose faith in everything

TLDR; Made the company 4M€ and we're still only in July, getting paid 24k€, can't find anything better, don't know what to do

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