
Sinking Ship Clawing Back It’s Petty Revenge…

So, two years ago I won unemployment. About 3 months ago I received an award letter. A week later an appeal letter by the ex-employer. Two years. Two. Years. Today was the hearing. It was by phone. So, they show up with two … whatever they are’s. I show up by myself. I have a feeling I’ll wind up paying back the $1000 measly dollars in unemployment I got. But, honestly, knowing them getting rid of me led to their collapse and me finding a new position for $25k more a year is worth $1000. It’s going to be nothing compared to my renewed fire to finish making them obsolete though. I’ll buy that for $1000. I’m aggravated today. My adrenaline and survival mode has been activated (your body can’t tell the difference between a tiger trying to eat you and you being anxious because of a court hearing). So,…

So, two years ago I won unemployment. About 3 months ago I received an award letter. A week later an appeal letter by the ex-employer.
Two years. Two. Years.
Today was the hearing. It was by phone. So, they show up with two … whatever they are’s.
I show up by myself.
I have a feeling I’ll wind up paying back the $1000 measly dollars in unemployment I got.
But, honestly, knowing them getting rid of me led to their collapse and me finding a new position for $25k more a year is worth $1000.
It’s going to be nothing compared to my renewed fire to finish making them obsolete though.
I’ll buy that for $1000.
I’m aggravated today. My adrenaline and survival mode has been activated (your body can’t tell the difference between a tiger trying to eat you and you being anxious because of a court hearing). So, all this has dredged up thoughts and emotions from two years ago that I thought I had progressed past.
I guess it’s just one more thing that pushes me toward doing things for myself and starting my own business. If I had realized 30 years ago when I started work, that working for someone else meant working to make them rich; and meant I was subject to their petty stupid rules that only apply to certain people; I’d have either just worked long enough to buy an RV and split or started my own business of some kind.
Bottom line:
To you young kids reading this: F—k working for the other man. You’re making him rich and getting an emotional disorder in trade. Either go live life or work for yourself.
Screw the old system. Every generation up mine (Gen X) has done it the old way. You guys make something new and better.

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