
Slack private channels readable by bosses??

So we communicate using Slack in our firm. In private messages I complain about the bosses etc. Other female colleague flirts with men there. We share quite personal info there to let the steam off at times. Till now I thought its completely safe. Until yesterday. Yesterday we had christmas party with lots of alcohol. One of the higher post colleagues got drunk and believing I dont listen he told his other high post colleague how flirty our women are and how cool it is that they as admins can read all slack messages, even the “private” ones where we write our confessions to each other etc. He said he got access there from the main bosses. I googled and its true, slack admins can get access to all messages. So our private chats get read by about ten bosses plus high post people regularly. Me sharing my health issues…

So we communicate using Slack in our firm. In private messages I complain about the bosses etc. Other female colleague flirts with men there. We share quite personal info there to let the steam off at times. Till now I thought its completely safe. Until yesterday. Yesterday we had christmas party with lots of alcohol. One of the higher post colleagues got drunk and believing I dont listen he told his other high post colleague how flirty our women are and how cool it is that they as admins can read all slack messages, even the “private” ones where we write our confessions to each other etc. He said he got access there from the main bosses. I googled and its true, slack admins can get access to all messages. So our private chats get read by about ten bosses plus high post people regularly. Me sharing my health issues with concerned colleague. Her confessions about relationship problems etc. I feel totally shocked and like my privacy is totally violated. I also feel the need to tell this info to all my “lower post” colleagues who dont realize yet that slack is not a safe communication channel. Thats all so wrong.

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