
Small rant, just to vent

Just felt like making a post to rant a little bit about the fact that for the past 3 months i have been applying to jobs daily, no less than 5 applications a day, and i'm still sitting around with no job and no money with bills still coming in. This job market is absolutely ridiculous and the “lazy millennial” spouters can take their words and shove it up their own… ANYWAY. Thank you for coming to my rant. For clarification this is in the USA.

Just felt like making a post to rant a little bit about the fact that for the past 3 months i have been applying to jobs daily, no less than 5 applications a day, and i'm still sitting around with no job and no money with bills still coming in. This job market is absolutely ridiculous and the “lazy millennial” spouters can take their words and shove it up their own… ANYWAY. Thank you for coming to my rant.

For clarification this is in the USA.

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