
Small vent/solidarity post!

Not entirely sure why I'm posting this but I need to get it off my chest in a safe space I guess? I'm 23, I've worked since I was 17. My last job was so bad it put me in a psychiatric hospital and I had to move back in with my parents temporarily to recover. Fast forward to now and I'm lucky enough to be on disability benefits for physical + mental health issues so I'm not forced to work. I'm the only one of my friends on disability benefits and I sometimes feel ashamed that I'm not working like everyone else. I know it's probably internalised capitalist thinking but yeah it still happens and it doesn't feel great. This subreddit has been helpful though.

Not entirely sure why I'm posting this but I need to get it off my chest in a safe space I guess?

I'm 23, I've worked since I was 17. My last job was so bad it put me in a psychiatric hospital and I had to move back in with my parents temporarily to recover. Fast forward to now and I'm lucky enough to be on disability benefits for physical + mental health issues so I'm not forced to work. I'm the only one of my friends on disability benefits and I sometimes feel ashamed that I'm not working like everyone else.

I know it's probably internalised capitalist thinking but yeah it still happens and it doesn't feel great. This subreddit has been helpful though.

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