
Small win for me against my old boss

Rent to own is a VERY dirty business. Lots of manipulative and backstabbing people run rent to own stores. I worked as a delivery driver for Aaron's. My store manager threatened to mess with my wages because I asked for 30 minutes to be added back to my timecard, cuz I didn't get a chance to take a lunch break and 30 minutes is automatically deducted from your time card for lunch breaks. And so the threat he made about messing with my hours even more prompted me to quit the following week. I quit the first day the pay period started. I worked close to a full day. Fast forward to when the check hits my account, it's only $14.61 for the entire day….. I call the store managers boss, explained to him the situation. Come to find out, the store manager clocked me out early at 11am. And…

Rent to own is a VERY dirty business. Lots of manipulative and backstabbing people run rent to own stores. I worked as a delivery driver for Aaron's. My store manager threatened to mess with my wages because I asked for 30 minutes to be added back to my timecard, cuz I didn't get a chance to take a lunch break and 30 minutes is automatically deducted from your time card for lunch breaks. And so the threat he made about messing with my hours even more prompted me to quit the following week. I quit the first day the pay period started. I worked close to a full day. Fast forward to when the check hits my account, it's only $14.61 for the entire day…..

I call the store managers boss, explained to him the situation. Come to find out, the store manager clocked me out early at 11am. And I left at 3pm. So they're gonna send me a check in the mail now for the missing hours.

Like I said it's a small win, $40 or $50 isn't gonna make or break me. But it was the principle of the matter for me. I refuse to let my boss bully me. And now his boss knows he tried screwing with his employees hours and threatened me about it too.
My new job is easier anyway.

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